Activity after anesthesia/ IV Sedation

  • Do not drive or operate machinery for 24 hrs.
  • No Alcohol, tranquilizers or sleeping pills for 24 hrs.
  • Go Home directly and rest for the day.


  • Begin with liquids and light food such as Jell-O, Soup etc.
  • Progress slowly to your regular diet.

Wound Care

  • Small amount of bright red blood is expected, do not be alarmed. If you feel the amount is excessive then call your doctor.
  • Change your dressing as directed by your doctor.
  • If otherwise not instructed you may remove your dressing in 48 hrs. You may shower then and clean incision with rubbing alcohol, apply neosporin ointment and keep covered.

Specific Instructions to watch for

  • Fever over 101 degree Farenheit
  • Pain not relieved by medications ordered.
  • Swelling around operative site. Increased redness, increased warmth, hardness around the operative site.
  • Numbness, tingling or cold fingers or toes.
  • Increasing and progressive drainage from surgical area.
  • Inability to urinate.

Discharge instructions for Ano Rectal Procedures.

Discharge instructions for Ano Rectal Procedures.

You have a dressing inside the anal canal. Take this dressing out in 24 hrs.

You need to do Seitz Bath twice a day and after each bowel movements. You could use baby wipes for cleaning.

Small amount of bleeding is expected for a few weeks. Please report constipation, excessive bleeding and excessive pain to Dr. Pandya.

You or your helper need to wear glove and apply lidocaine rectal cream, jelly and or procto foam inside and outside anal canal 2 to 3 times per day aft er the Seitz Baths. This is used to reduce pain and lubricate operative site for bowel movements.

Take pain medication as needed.

Here's How to do a Seitz bath:

  1. A sitz bath can be purchased at many drug store chains for about $10. You may also find them at hospital pharmacies or medical supply stores. If you will need a sitz bath after surgery or having a baby, ask the staff in the hospital if they can provide you with one before you go home.
  2. Prepare the items you will need so they are near at hand from where you will be using the sitz bath.
  3. Place the sitz bath over the toilet, ensuring that it fits well and will not shift.
  4. Fill the sitz bath with warm water. Remember that the water temperature will feel cooler to your hands than it will to the rest of the body.
  5. Some sitz baths come with a solution bag and a tube. The bag can be used by filling with water and hanging from a hook (in the hospital, typically an IV pole is used) that is higher than the toilet. A tube will run from the bag into the sitz bath to provide a continuous flow of water. Use the clamp provided to stop the water.
  6. Many sitz baths are designed with a vent to prevent overfilling. The water will not overflow when you sit it in, but rather will empty into the toilet bowel. If using a solution bag, the water will run continuously from the bag and out through the vents. If your sitz bath does not have a vent, be careful not to overfill it.
  7. If your doctor has recommended it, add salt to the water.
  8. Sit in the sitz bath for 10-20 minutes, or as recommended by your doctor.
  9. When finished, use a towel to gently pat the affected area dry.
  10. Use your sitz bath as often as recommended by your doctor; generally several times a day as needed to ease discomfort.
  11. Wash your sitz bath after each use and dry it thoroughly.

What You Need:

  • Sitz bath
  • Clean towel and washcloth
  • Salt (if recommended)

Discharge instructions for Extremity Procedures.

Keep operative extremity elevated as much as possible to reduce swelling and discomfort.

If you have ace wrap then leave it on for 48hrs. If you think the wrap is too tight then you may loosen it and reapply.

Small amount of bleeding is expected on the dressing. Please report excessive bleeding and excessive pain to Dr. Pandya. Cell phone 559 361 2095

Take pain medication as needed.

Discharge instructions for Endoscopy Procedures.

Please call your doctor or go to emergency room if vomiting or have abdominal pain or bleeding occurs.

Discharge instructions for Breast Procedures.

If you have ace wrap then leave it on for 48hrs. If you think the wrap is too tight then you may loosen it and reapply.

Small amount of bleeding is expected on the dressing. Please report excessive bleeding and excessive pain to Dr. Pandya.

Take pain medication as needed.

Follow up Visit Instructions:

If you have a question about follow up appointment call your doctor's office or for Dr. Pandya call (559-782-8533).

If you need immediate attention please call Dr. Pandya on his cell phone @ (559)-361-2095 or go to the nearest emergency room for urgent problems.

For all your questions please call us at (559) 782 8533 Contact Us

Disclaimer - All information on this website is for educational purposes only. Any healthcare decisions you make with respect to your health must be determined on the advice of a professional doctor or other healthcare provider, after evaluating your individual and unique health conditions.